2018: An Astro Oddity
2018: An Astro Oddity was created during the GlobalGameJam2018 in about 3 days and finished afterwards.
It is a game about an astronaut drifting towards earth. The radio is broken, so you are only receiving radio messages. Earth desperately sends course corrections for you to set at the painfully complicated ship control panel. Will you make it back to earth and find relieve after several years in space? Find out about your destiny and maybe reveal a shocking secret about your journey. Click/Touch control only :)
The player has complete freedom what to do during his flight and it is for You to decide to land on earth or not. Maybe You do not even want to land on earth, because you find some reasons in the game not to?
Play now:
Technology Notes:
Code: Phaser JS Art: Marmoset Hexels Sound: Adobe Audition CC
Sebastian @ancientpixel_ap Merkl
Benjamin @skodone Wahl
Benjamin @skodone Wahl
Richard @rlp091 Puhr
Writing and Design:
Tom @TomDeRoeck De Roeck
Voice Actors:
Jeff Ricketts (Ground Control)
Selina Ströbele (Astronaut)
Sound Engineering:
Roland Köstler